Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Montana Fishburne's Interview With Sister to Sister.

Montana Fishburne can’t seem to decide whether she wants to be like Kim Kardashian or not.

In a recent interview with Sister 2 Sister ‘Tana reveals her feelings about sex, porn and her aspirations to be a successful businesswoman! Check it out........

S2S: Do you like all the attention that you’re getting?

Montana: Yeah, it’s been fun. I mean, I’m excited about my movie coming out.

S2S: Are you talking about the sex tape or a movie?

Montana: Oh no, the sex tape.

S2S: When did you start having sex?

Montana: When I was 16

S2S: When you were 16? What was that like the first time?

Montana: Um, no. I mean, I was just excited about it. I was nervous and it wasn’t..I don’t know- it was quick. (laughs)

Montana: Uh, yeah. I think I was just interested in sex.

S2S: You were interested in sex?

Montana: Yeah. And then, um, after? I mean, it wasn’t like I needed it all the time or anything but I was active I wasn’t like, “Oh, I’m just going to do it one time and that’s it.”

S2S: A lot of people think that when people make sex movies, they have to be nymphomaniacs or something. That’s not necessarily true though, is it?

Montana: No, definitely not.

S2S: So what intrigued you about doing porno? That’s a whole different lifestyle- a different culture. What made you decide, “I think I want to do this.”

Montana: I mean, once I started having sex, I got interested in porno. And not just porn, because you realize that sex is a broad subject. Like, there are so many fetishes and fantasies, and I feel like with porn, I can explore them and test them out. And I liked being on camera doing it. So that’s how I could get all I wanted from sex.

S2S: …So it’s not so much the sex, it’s the adventure of it and the trying to push yourself forward, as I understand, like Kim Kardashian did. Have you talked to Kim?

Montana: No, I mean, I’m not trying to be Kim Kardashian. Kim’s tape was leaked. I just admired that she’s a young woman that had a sex tape come out and it hasn’t stopped her from pursuing any other goals she has. She’s successful in everything she does. That’s how I look at it. I mean, I wanted to do porn. Mine isn’t leaked. I’m proud that it’s out there. And this is just one step in my career. I hope that I can emulate her and that I’ll be a successful businesswoman and that this won’t stop me from doing that.

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