Monday, September 27, 2010

Bishop Eddie Long Yesterday Morning at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church

Bishop Eddie Long stepped out this yesterday morning in front of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church congregation to a rousing standing ovation.  Despite Atlanta news stations reporting last night that media would not be allowed, a few news cameras were spotted in the building and the 8AM service streamed on certain outlets.

Take a look at the Video....

We have the highlights of what Bishop Long had to say for himself when you read on........

Bishop Eddie Long addressed his congregation for the first time since four young men filed suit saying he sexual abused them.  E-Long says he plans to fight the allegations in the court of law and he did not step down as pastor.

Highlights from his sermon yesterday morning: 

-“First of all let me thank you on behalf of my wife, my family.  For all of your support and prayers…”
-“I realize that many have been waiting on me to say something.  My first responsibility is to my family, and then my next responsibility is not to address the world before I address my family New Birth.”
“This is an extremely difficult time for me and an extremely difficult time for my family.  It’s a time when you actually see the veil dropped and who is with you and who is not with you.”
-"This is difficult, difficult for everybody.  This is the most difficult time in my entire life.”
-“This is gonna take just a few moments, and then I’ll say what the rest of you came to hear.  Many are the afflictions of the righteous…but the Lord delivers him out of all of them.”
-“As long as man has to deal in life, you will find that life will be unfair…We are all subject to face distasteful and painful situations."
-“We will not allow the present pain to cause us to abandon our righteous commitment and stand.  Somehow someway we will become better and we will walk through this painful situation.  Not only for my family but also for everyone involved in these allegations.”
-“There have been allegations and attacks made on me.  I have never in my life portrayed myself as a perfect man, but I am not the man that’s being portrayed on the television.  That is not me, that is not me.”
-“By the council of my lawyers they have advised me not to try this case in the media. I am not gonna try this case in the media, it will be tried in the court of justice, and dealt with in the court of justice.  And please understand because that is the only place I feel I will get justice."
-“I’ve been accused, I’m under attack.  I want you to know, as I said earlier, I am not a perfect man, but this thing I’m gonna fight.”

-“I want you to know one other thing I feel like David against Goliath, but I got 5 rocks and I haven’t thrown one yet.”

How do you think the Bishop Eddie Long Scandal will play out?  Take the poll and voice your opinion!

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