An Icelandic label has stated that the singer’s leggings look just like a pair that she purchased from their store sometime last year. It would be interesting to find out that Beyoncé had completely copied the design, but itseems unlikely.

The brand, E-label, is owned by Helba Hallgrimsdottir. She said that when she first saw the photos, she did not think that Beyoncé was promoting her own label, and instead first assumed that she was just wearing their leggings.
The company even provided a picture of the pants, which do look fairly similar to the ones that she was wearing. The design was not copyrighted, but Helba added that she thought that a record of her purchase would be enough to prove that she had stolen the design.

Dereon, the company that Beyoncé founded with her mother, has not received allegations of this kind before. It appears that it might be a little early for E-label to broach this subject, as it was only earlier this month that a new bill was introduced to the US to protect designers from having their designs copied or stolen. The bill was introduced in hopes of lessening the influence of the “knock off” market.
I really don't care who designed them.... I want a pair. lol