Monday, April 25, 2011

Back & Shoulder Acne~ Acne Knows No Boundaries!

Summer is coming ladies and we are working extra hard to make sure we have the perfect beach bodies but what about unwanted “Back Acne”?

Acne on the back is common enough that a new name has been adopted to describe this conditions “Backne”.  It can get so bad that pulling out those revealing backless tops might be out of the question. 
The back is the most prevalent area where acne can occur other than the face. Why is that so? The skin on the back is composed of innumerable sebaceous glands producing excessive oil. Most of the time, the back usually remains covered, less reachable, not as easily cleaned, and receives most physical pressure.

Consequently, there are more chances the pores of the skin on the back getting clogged with dirt, sweat, and bacteria.
Another problem with back acne is that it is more prone to forming cysts than on another part of the body. Again, this could be contributed to the same reasons why it occurs in the first place, but acne cysts on the back can be very painful, difficult to treat, and take a long time to heal.  No one want to suffer from acne, no matter where it is – Acne is ugly were ever it appears. Even on the back.
Learn how to get rid of acne on your back so you can enjoy the summer again and pull out those cool, sexy summer clothes.

First thing you can do is….

1.      Get rid of your back packs and heavy over the shoulder bags. Put them away until the back acne clears up. The friction created from these items is very hard on acne prone skin and will make the acne worse.

2.      Second thing to do is regular cleaning. Our backs tend to be neglected, but like our face, the back needs just as much attention. Shower or wash twice a day with a gentle soap or acne soap. The skin of our back is a little tougher than the face so it can be exfoliated mechanically a little more briskly. A washcloth, loofa, or shower scrubby work quite well. Also considering showering after exercise. The build up of sweat can make bacne worse.

3.      Last, add a little added extra punch by applying over-the-counter solutions to your back. There are dozens of brand names to choose from, and all of them will do the job they claim to do provide the instructions are followed.

All these measures will work well to control the severity and extent of back acne but if by chance the acne is not responding to your treatments, might need a little extra help. See your doctor. It might be some other underlying cause that the acne on your back is so persistent. As mentioned above, back acne can easily turn into cysts which will ultimately create a scar.

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